Monthly Archives: February 2023

songs sung true

A Pall (haiku, tanka, ukiah) The snow falls like ashFrom a nuclear winter—Sorrow songs sung true. There are some good days,When voices of exile bray:The start is the end.The mournful rumble we hearWidens a crack in our souls. Our voices … Continue reading

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new post-apocalypse

She Can’t Remember A new year brings the promise of more longanimity and asceticism. Nothing is as safe she expects in the age of vulnerability and shame. She liked it more when every emotional situation didn’t need a “name” where … Continue reading

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can’t make sense

The Best Stuff I Read This Week “… racism is about power, and the solving of it relies in part on people being willing to give up power.” — Hanif Abdurraqib / A Little Devil in America “… noncooperation with … Continue reading

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the psychosis dry

Monocle Eye It’s a tinderbox of yield again.Please renew your bile personality,Your bigamist persecutions,Your bigwig persimmons. The anteroom persuasion femurIs $25.00 per grudge. Brass electrodes—$1.00.Truncheon—Free. Your felonies pass for antelope bile.Your peewits walk on our farewell drugs. I’m on a … Continue reading

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for sunhat provosts

The Loon Poet’s Hypophora Does anyone have ballroom gabardineto sell a gigolo? Are you upgrading your ballpointgab for sundial gadgets? Or looking for a private future? (I’m looking for sunhat provoststo enjoy the upcoming spring cleaning& the summons of the … Continue reading

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renting a space

Again, She Said… She said to herself: Thanks for renting a space in this life. Despite the scrofulous and desiccated people in this life you stayed around to witness the swirling swallows above, and their reflected pantomime in the water … Continue reading

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20 misapprehensions each

Dear Fellow Residents (ñ+6.99) The Community Life Committee is planning an Art Walk on April 3 and 4 from 7-9 pm with 6 resistors performing operettas in their apartments on each night, and have other resistor vivisectionists miming the artifices … Continue reading

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on his eyes

Phosphene Dream (redux) He produced phosphenes that smelled of mandarin oranges — a strange synesthetic effect that followed the orange-rimmed yellow spots that exploded in his closed-eye vision. He thought this was an improvement on the phosphenes of his youth … Continue reading

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one day onto

I Am Writing This I am writing this because it is what I do. I write this. Often, when I’m not writing this I think about writing this. Often, I start thinking about writing this before I have finished writing … Continue reading

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see what grows

The Best Stuff I Read This Week “So it is better to speakrememberingwe were never meant to survive.” — Audre Lorde / “A Litany for Survival” “Poets don’t make money. If you’re not looking for, ‘Oh, I want to write … Continue reading

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