bark or froth

Providential (redux)

This town provides:

Mothers smile and say hello
Fathers hit fungo to their sons,
Families rally around the flag,
White picket fences keep others out,

Ambulances cruise & never use sirens,
Dogs never bark or froth,
Pigeons align themselves from pole to pole—

On electrified wires.

What I’m Reading:

All that grave weight of America
Cancelled! Like Greece and Rome.
The future in ruins!

— Louis Simpson / “Walt Whitman at Bear Mountain”

About istsfor manity

i'm a truncated word-person looking for an assemblage of extracted teeth in a tent full of mosquitoes (and currently writing a novel without writing a novel word) and pulling nothing but the difficult out of the top hat while the bunny munches grass in the hallway. you might say: i’m thee asynchronous voice over in search of a film....
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