do we care


… the earth is burning to a crisp as it simultaneously floods with water undrinkable …

… election season is upon us …

the planet’s little wars are joining hands

… i got mine, now you get yours—i don’t care …

… gonna take all them hard earned rights away—we don’t care …

… oil companies and other mega-corporations get tax breaks, government subsidies, supercharged tax shelters, while u pay ur taxes—we don’t care …

… did i mention me and my family got ours, and u and urs may get squat, or never will get any—do we care? …


What I’m Reading:

Besides, there are
tears which happen in a day
that it would take
a lifetime to explain.

— Mary Ruefle / “Trollope”

About istsfor manity

i'm a truncated word-person looking for an assemblage of extracted teeth in a tent full of mosquitoes (and currently writing a novel without writing a novel word) and pulling nothing but the difficult out of the top hat while the bunny munches grass in the hallway. you might say: i’m thee asynchronous voice over in search of a film....
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