Monthly Archives: February 2024

a merry place

A poop pouch for a brain. A merry place to lose an eyeball or your spleen. Being splenetic is only the half of it— There is no self awareness. What I’m Reading: In Key West, the living surround the dead,who … Continue reading

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scissors and fluff

sleep deprivation tanka any quintuplets?another colloquium?bring scissors and fluff.gnu stiffeners and goatherds—it’s a party, tape your fall. What I’m Reading: I wasn’t used to being a confused person, but that was how life was. Sometimes the events of the world … Continue reading

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other deceptive codpieces

Eyeless in Tabula Rasa A monocle in the 1970s was as prideful as a pince nez. Today we wear neoliberal coke bottle-bottom horn rims. . . These ideas are drawn from a particularly short-sighted cilia’s lamentations entitled: Perky Monoliths and … Continue reading

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in this (my) neighborhood pt. 55

What I’m Reading: . . . for in Mumbai, as in Miami and many other coastal cities, these are often the very areas in which expensive new construction projects are located. Property values would almost certainly decline if residents were … Continue reading

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shrapnel into rain

The Best Stuff I Read This Week California banned slavery in 1849. California law allowedNative people to be enslaved in 1910. — Allison Adelle Hedge Coke / Look at This Blue . . . I have been haunted by the … Continue reading

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tongue that withers

native tongue haiku a tongue that withers—my native tongue sent packing—hegemonic curse. What I’m Reading: the walls of my voice, pronounce meAshamedso I bury my native tonguebeneath a borrowed one — Kathy Jetn̄il-Kijiner / “On the Couch with Būbū Neien” … Continue reading

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sieves for dinner

a stipulation of daffodil testaments the two avant-gardesgardens of impassioned afterimagestwo claps for toe taps and mushroom capsi propose sieves for dinneri propose we clamber on gravestonesthere are captious eucalyptus there rescindingnext year’s ready to wear linei’ve seen the theoretical … Continue reading

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i’m feeling now

Spastic and Ekphrastic (redux) Blindly devote yourself to formulary Z-074. Make triplicate copies send one to me, one to Human Resources, and one to the Department of Repressive Operations. Sing, glory be! Gloriole and halo benders and everything is ordinary … Continue reading

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smoke is thicker

forest fire tanka magical thinking—the vegetation is thickthe smoke is thickerheat appears like a cougarthere is no air—no escape What I’m Reading: Like a blind dolphin, the night of the new moon silently drew near. — Haruki Murakami / The … Continue reading

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something spectacular now

Phosphene Dream (redux) He produced phosphenes that smelled of mandarin oranges — a strange synesthetic effect that followed the orange-rimmed yellow spots that exploded in his closed-eye vision. He thought this was an improvement on the phosphenes of his youth … Continue reading

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