Monthly Archives: January 2024

shut your mouth

Foisted Fade In. Frosty flourishes of flighty fevered filigree: I’d like to foist something on you. I’d like you to meet my Id: X this is Id. Id meet X. Now what I’d like you to know first is that … Continue reading

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see me through

I. Aleric’s Anodyne I’m in a groove with Barry White’s Greatest Hits when I get a preprogrammed hit from SM-N900V. So as the Love Unlimited Orchestra swells to Barry’s “I love you, baby!” the Heliotrope unit beeps and a shot … Continue reading

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like drunken flies

land of crusts (tanka) brown desolation /a land of crusts and bleached bones /hovercopters dronelike drunken flies over rot /scavenging spavined corpses• What I’m Reading: “However, they won’t say: the times were darkRather: why were their poets silent?” — Bertolt … Continue reading

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hands in fists

The Best Stuff I Read This Week “I am not goingto rot. I will not lie down in the groundwith the cauliflower and the eggshell mushroom,and grow a fungus out of my stomachlike a foetus, my face sluicing off me … Continue reading

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the rheumy discharges

Monologue Arpeggiator (Help me) Fade In. Above the blinding flats of white screen reveries: I’m flying over anonymous calamities with a courageous lack of temerity—then falling again. I plunge with celerity. A godwit plummet after 25,000 miles. Think of the … Continue reading

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of terminal lies

the belt buckle reign belt buckles rain downthe devil’s hailin appropriate private spaces o, father of violenceo, father of terminal lieso, father of red-hot welts i am soft underbelly pillow-protectedan urchin turned upside-downa cord-yanked silence papa was a rollin stone … Continue reading

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ain’t got friends

coda: blindness (ise got 4) i. ise got a seven layer lenticular cloudbillowing in my skullat 8:55 amas snow slushesto puddle-pishin late januarygray ise got a bookise hatingthat i keep ploddingthrough / blindto choice / to stopping /88% of the … Continue reading

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of rare melancholy

black bile … (ise #3) preface to the absent lavationhostage letters: guidelinesfor burning atrabilious simulacrum 2024 i. ise got saturn on my printerspavined upturnedand obtuse ise got masscult extenderslike foam we’re #1 fingersicy-topes of someother half-life ii. don’t harvest ice … Continue reading

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three dozen moons

annihilation i. ise got exacto knife bluesthree dozen moons mirrored deepall festooned convexities waxinggibbous on repeattelescope inflectedbeak-less guttersnipes ii. / wholly holy // mawed + gashed // swallowed whole / iii. ise got arroz con pollo shakes &i look out … Continue reading

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eyes with yours

rhyparography : coiling he’s a grandiloquent viper burstingat the imbrications—interlocking eyes with yours—susurrationssibilant charms + whispers coilingtight breathless What I’m Reading: “If, when he’s dying, he’s nothing left to say he’ll feel bereft” — Paul Bailey / “Humorous”

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